Wild Hope – Going Deep

Deep Discipleship

My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you
-Galatians 4:19

When a discipleship model is not reaching where folks actually dwell emotionally… where they live relationally, where they hide their shortcomings… you miss seeing Christ fully formed in them. Behavior and obedience-oriented discipleship models fall short. They produce servants and sin cycles. But relational models based on the love of the Father produce sons and daughters secure in love and fearless in mission.

We have written a small group interface called Deep Discipleship Group as a vehicle for our Deep Discipleship curriculum.

DDG is about creating a safe place where people can honestly welcome Christ into their most non-religious and awkward realities.  A place where things get very real.   A place of love and acceptance where we discover, often for the first time, that our identity in Christ sets us on a very transformational adventure into the mission heart of God.



The world is aware of Africa’s giants: HIV/AIDS, famine, war and corruption.  What the world may not yet be aware of are the godly African men and women being raised up to engage these giants and see them eventually felled one by one in their communities and nations.  The raw African resources of gold, diamonds and oil are not the resources we’re trying to leverage.  Instead, we long to see men and women of character nurtured to step into the leadership void that is keeping Africa from fullness of life.

At Wild Hope we are perhaps foolish enough to believe that every problem Africa faces has a solution lying dormant in an African’s heart.  We believe that these solutions and dreams are from God and that we can help people come to freedom in Christ so that these big dreams can be released.  It’s these African men and women who will change Africa.  To this end, we’ve developed a spiritual formation and character based curriculum called Deep Level Discipleship.  Addressing issues of sonship and daughterhood, we’ve seen African and Western participants deeply changed by the truth of God’s love.  The focus of our courses is on the heart where our hopes and dreams lie, at times blocked by our hurts and addictions.  Hearts growing in integrity and wholeness (not perfection!) will transform the world.  Elements of our courses impact all we do, whether we are leading seminars or just walking with friends through the journey of life.


Safaris With a Purpose offer the opportunity for visitors to connect with our African friends; to experience some of their circumstances and learn about their dreams and challenges.  In these two-way relationships, participants bring assistance to local communities while also enjoying nature and the chance for personal growth and spiritual renewal.

Due to the impact on travel of COVID, these activities are not currently planned.


Warrior Training is Wild Hope’s response to a wired but disconnected world.  This spiritual coaching 4 week long event is for those who are hungry for more …more of God …more of living life in abundance …getting connected to the wildness of our adventurous God.   It’s about helping participants identify their God given gifting and saying goodbye to places of fear that keep them from being all God has made them to be.

Due to the impact on travel of COVID, these activities are not currently planned.

Wild Hope – Going DEEP, Going FAR!

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