Wild Hope – Going FAR
“Go and make disciples of all the nations” –Mathew 28:19a-

Dear friends of Wild Hope, 
We are grateful to give you an update directly from Solomon and Sarah Kipi who are at the forefront of our Reaching the Unreached ministries of Wild Hope.

You’ve heard about our ministry together with the Kipis for so many years…it is with great joy that we send you their praises and prayer requests as we rejoice in the multiplied impact of Africans reaching Africans for Jesus.  

With love,
Tammy (and Peter too)

News from Solomon and Sarah

Greetings from Solomon and Sarah Kipi from Tanzania! It has been a fruitful time here at Wild Hope with Peter and Tammy.

We have been praying together and sharing testimony of what God has been doing in our ministry. We have been able to encourage one another in the Lord. It has also been a time of encouraging Wild Hope staff, both one-on-one and in prayer meetings.

God is so faithful and is doing great things here in the Land!


I (Solomon) also had the opportunity to teach with Peter at the YWAM base in Arusha, preparing young Maasai believers to take the Gospel where it has not been heard. This time was a great blessing.

Training young people at YWAM, TZ to take the Gospel to the unreached.
God is multiplying the sowers through YWAM to bring His life-giving seed.

As we prepare to leave, we will first head back to our home in Morogoro. There we have gatherings of non-believers seeking to understand Christ. Then we will go to the Swahili Coast to share the Love of the Father with those who don’t know Him.

Thank you for your prayers and support for touching the lives of the unreached communities.


Here are some of the things we are thankful for in this season:

  • Rest and restoration while here at Wild Hope
  • The Lord connected us with A who we met and his wife. She was sick and with a little child who was crying and no one was helping the child. We held the child and she slept on my chest and we prayed for her and Lord healed her. We were able to share the Love of the Father.
  • The P family welcomed us in at Ramadan time for breaking fast together. We were able to share the Love of the Father.
  • J invited us for dinner and we prayed for the mama who had demons. The Lord delivered her instantly.
  • Solomon received new glasses!
  • We learned to play pickleball, which gave us much laughter and bonding with the staff at Wild Hope.

Prayer Requests

Here are some ways you can be praying for us in the coming season:

  • That the power of God transforms lives
  • That God give us good health
  • For protection as we travel and minister
  • For favor with those we meet and open doors into homes and communities

We are very grateful for the prayers and all the support! We praise God for all that the Lord Jesus is doing in transforming lives. We pray for the light of Christ to shine in their lives!

We are very much thankful for you being a part of transforming the unreached communities. We are so much thankful for you enabling us to reach those who need Jesus!

Mungu Awabariki….God Bless You,
Solomon and Sarah

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