A Group Of Good Men
Last month, 15 Maasai men completed WH’s Servant Leadership Course…
If you’ve ever traveled here, you’ve realized quickly that Africa has huge expanses of wildnerness where roads are few and conditions are rough. There’s no reliable public transportation and the vast majority of people don’t own a vehicle. Even bicycles are uncommon in these outlying areas and “footing it” is the most common way to get around. Yet scattered through these remote regions, men and women are growing in their faith and looking for solid teaching. Four times in the last few months, Peter has traveled out and set up camp, creating a mobile classroom for week-long sessions with 15 committed Maasai church leaders. The times togther have been incredibly rich. Timely Biblical teaching, deeper understanding and experience, close fellowship, honest sharing and real growth have bonded these guys together, equiping them to serve the communities where they minister. Wild Hope is thankful for these men and enriched by involvement in their lives. May they be used to bring LIFE every where they go!