“All those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10

Greetings friends,

This summer has brought us both joys and sorrows… opportunities to both thank our Great God and Father and cry out to Him for his help. We are rejoicing that God has brought us a wonderful family to help expand our ministry to the unreached, and also over significant progress in our on-going water project. We are continuing to cry out for God’s healing touch for Sarah Kipi.

One of the sorrows of this season was the death of my sister Stephanie’s husband, Erik, on June 23rd, at the young age of 47 years. In the midst of his cancer treatment, he was still encouraging and blessing others. I am so grateful to have been able to fly to Texas for a short but precious week to be with Stephanie and their daughter Keira (9 years old) as well as other family, friends, and community to celebrate Erik’s life impact and to comfort one another. Pray that eternal fruit of salvation for others will come from his passing, and pray for Stephanie and Keira to be led by Jesus with His tender comfort and grace, holding on to His Words of Life.

Sara Kipi’s Recovery from Surgery

Sarah has come a long way in the 6 weeks since the surgeon removed a walnut-sized non-cancerous tumor on her pituitary gland. Solomon and Sarah have been courageous, praising the Lord for His provision and for the goodness of God’s care and presence with them through this fiery trial.

However, none of us really knew how long, slow, and difficult Sarah’s healing journey would be. While her left eye is open, she has inconsistent, very limited vision. Her right eyelid was initially swollen shut, but now, even after the swelling has gone down, the eyelid doesn’t open. This last week Sarah saw specialists in Dar es Saalam to assess the health of her pituitary gland and endocrine system, which affects many aspects of her body’s overall health and balance.

After a week at home in Morogoro, Solomon and Sarah will fly to Arusha on Saturday to be here on the land with us. Oh how we have been longing to see her in person! Many dear friends and our whole Wild Hope team will gather to pray for her and love on her! The Kipis’ kids also are on a school break, so Wild Hope will be their gathering place as a family.

Here they are with their daughters Nashipai and Namelok.

We know that faith moves the hand of God. Would you join us in faith believing that God’s hand will bring supreme overriding victory over Sarah’s complications from her June 12th brain surgery?

  • Pray that the medication that Sarah has begun taking will be successful.
  • Pray for her headaches to subside.
  • Pray for her sight to be restored and for strength for her eyelid.

The Kipis have been so blessed by everyone who sent words of encouragement and they express their deepest THANKS! If you email us at Wild Hope, we will pass the message on to Sarah and Solomon. They continue to have expenses for ongoing tests, medicines, and travel and deeply appreciate your support at this time.

Welcome the Hood Family

We praise the Lord for our new teammates, the Hood family. Jared and Megan have been missionaries for 12 years. They have two delightful daughters: Addilyn (9 years old) and Charlotte (5 years old). The Hoods are seconded to Wild Hope for the next two years, as AIM (African Inland Mission) missionaries. They will be developing our member care ministry to indigenous missionaries working with the unreached. With their language and cultural experience, calling, giftings, passion, and network of relationships among Tanzanian churches, they are well positioned to equip the church in Tanzania to fill the great commission.

The Hoods are going to be living in a rented house just 11 minutes drive from Wild Hope. Please pray for God to cover their launch into this exciting season of ministry with His grace, wisdom, and power.


Water Project

The water project is coming along, with most of the 3.7 miles of pipe in the ground. The pressure holding tanks are now built with capacity to hold a total of 106,000 liter of water. Pray that all the engineering efforts, and resources God has provided will culminate in the water flowing soon!

We await the pump that has been ordered and the final 20% of the project to be completed. We praise the Lord for the incredible favor with our community and government departments that have been intertwined with this huge project, as well as the camaraderie of the project team and friends serving with their gifts and talents.


Arusha YWAM Staff Retreat

In our last newsletter, we were in the midst of hosting a retreat on the land for YWAM Arusha staff. Thank you for praying for that time!

It was a meaningful time together of morning devotions, games, rest, feasting, fellowship, and prayer. We had the honor of hosting 48 adults and 27 kids for the three-day event. Take a peek here. As always the best part is God’s presence and the way His love ministers uniquely to all who come.

Thank You!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support and prayers! We feel their power and see that power at work around us. Truly, “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

With love and gratitude,

Tammy (for Peter too)